Thursday, September 30, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 30

This course has come to a close, but your cooking has just begun!

You've tried many exercises in these 30 days of to work with miracles in your life. Most likely there are things that you haven't even tried, yet. Truly, the fun has only just begun...and now it is up to your intuition to take the lead and propel you down this path.


Take a moment and answer these questions:

1. What does the word "miracle" mean to you?

2. Do you have an early memory of hearing the word "miracle"? What was the context?

3. Think back to your parents (or the most significant adults in your life) as you were growing up. What do you think the word "miracle" meant to them?

4. What is a miracle you'd like to see occur in your life that seems impossible?

5. Why does it seem impossible?

6. What is a miracle you'd like to see in your life that seems just a little bit possible?

7. Why might it seem possible?

8. What is a miracle you'd like to see in your life that seems very possible?

9. Why does it seem very possible?

10. Have you experienced miracles in your life? List any that come to mind.

Guess what? Those are the same questions you answered in Day 1.

How has your path changed? What's new? What's different?

Take a moment and reflect on this course by answering the following:

- Which of the exercises were your favorites?

- What are the exercises you wanted to do but never did?

- Set an intention statement for yourself for the NEXT 30 days.
You can use this format, if you like:

1. In the next 30 days, I, (Name), will use my power to gather the "ingredients" of new skills, habits and beliefs in the following ways:
________, _________, ___________.

2. In the next 30 days, I, (Name), will use my power to transform my beliefs, patterns, habits, and words in the following ways:
________, _________, ___________.

3. In the next 30 days, I, (Name), will use my power to tithe and provide acts of service in the following ways:
________, _________, ___________.

4. In the next 30 days, I, (Name), will use my power to receive more and more miracles every day in the following ways:
________, _________, ___________.

It has been a wonder to be a part of your journey.

Enjoy! ~ the soup!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Miracle Soup Day 29

It's our second to last day, and I'd like to expand a bit on the topic of *evidence of miracles*.

We've already talked about how SEEING evidence makes evidence come.

It's a very simple cause-and-effect pattern:

Looking for small miracles makes you see them.
Seeing small miracles draws more to you.
Magnetizing small miracles makes you believe in them.
Believing in small miracles makes you see big miracles.
Seeing big miracles draws more to you.

We've talked about "signs" as a mode of evidence to help gather more and more miracles every day. Signs may be:

- Hunches
- Curiosities
- Synchronicities
- Repetitive elements
- Messages, hidden or obvious
- The right things happening in the right time
- Unexpected gifts that answer prayers and much more!

Another way to invite more evidence of miracles into your life is to use oracles.

There are people who regularly consult psychics and tarot card readers to gain insight, information, and answers to questions.
Even if you've never visited a psychic or fortune teller, you're probably seen of many oracles. Go to almost any bookstore or stationery shop and you'll see a whole palette of divination decks, as well as books that detail many ancient oracle traditions such as the I Ching, Druidry, and Tarot. And no matter how skeptical you are, you've probably engaged in fortune cookie reading at some point in your life. Oracles are all around us.

Here's a bit about my personal history with oracles.

I grew up with a very pragmatic father and in my adolescence and young adulthood sort of rolled my eyes when people talked about Tarot cards or believed horoscopes or fortune cookies. I had a real resistance to “new age” friends - I thought they were goofy, silly, and way too out there for me. I had a friend who loved to throw I Ching - which is a very old Eastern oracle and she convinced me to try it out. I remember when we asked a series of questions and got the answer, what hit me was not that the oracle was psychic, but that the responses elicited thinking in me from new directions.

I came away with some new understanding from that experience, and I realized that the new information hadn't come from the oracle, it had come from me. In other words, this knowledge was already in me, the oracle just helped bring it out. In that way, the oracle was no different than, say, an article that I would read, or an anecdote from a friend.

That is why I believe that ANYONE - regardless of his or her beliefs - can get something out of an inquiry with an oracle. Whether you believe that what you are experiencing are divine signs, or whether you are seeing them as interesting promptings to get YOUR creative thinking going --- or anything in between – there is value in seeing the world's information in a different way.


Go HERE to take a look at the Weekly Menu for Week 4. It contains a list of "Do It Yourself" Oracles that you can do at any time, and almost any place. Pick one or two that sound interesting and give them a try!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 28

For the past few days, you've been looking for signs...signs that your desire is on its way. But there are other types of "signs" to look for as well as evidence of your miracle.


Today, instead of looking for signs that your desire is on its way to you, look for "signs" that serve as messages to show you that you DESERVE the miracle of your desire coming into your life!

Notice the subtle shift between evidence that it's on its way and evidence that you deserve it.

At the end of the day, answer these questions:

- Which kind of "sign" is easier to spot?

- Which kind of "sign" seems more possible?

- Do you have resistance to one or the other possibilities?

- Do you have a sense that one type of sign might deliver itself in a particular form, such as those we discussed this week (i.e., literal signs, sounds, people drawn to you, etc.)

- What other "signs" come to mind that would serve as messages of miracles taking place? What kind of evidence would ROCK YOUR WORLD?

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Miracle Soup Day 27


Today, as you look for signs that your desire is on its way to attention to SOUNDS.

Keep your ears open to the following:

- Songs that come on the radio (if you don't listen to the radio much, turn it on at several intervals today to see if there are any signs there for you)
- Music playing in public places
- Songs that you "hear" in your head...especially songs you can't seem to get out of your head
- Answering machine messages left for you
- Messages you hear on the TV or Internet

See you tomorrow with some brand new miracle-gathering techniques to try.

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 26

The past couple of days, you've been given some specific places to put your attention, in terms of looking for the miracles that are coming your way.

While this may seem "gimicky" - there's a real reason for this kind of exercise. Think about how our physical bodies respond to a variety of different types of exercises to promote overall strength and health. A good workout includes exercises that focus on different groups of muscles and provide different challenges to our systems. Each isolated exercise trains the body in a specific skill, while also promoting a general sense of health in the overall context of the entire body.

Spending a day focused on a particular type of "sign" is like spending a workout devoted to a particular muscle group.

By isolating each kind of "sign", you are becoming more attuned to the different ways that "evidence" for miracles can appear. You are strengthening your observation muscles in specific areas, while also building your overall miracle attraction capacity.


Today, pay special attention to things that are repeated throughout the day.

What do you keep seeing over and over today?

Look for things like:

- Colors that keep showing up
- Things you read/hear about books, movies, or other recommendations
- How people are describing their day
- Headlines or article topics you see in various places
- Songs or sounds you hear on the radio
- A particular image that you see several times (i.e., a flower, a type of car, etc.)

What's trying to get your attention today through repetition?

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Miracle Soup Day 25


Just as yesterday's exercise invited you to pay special attention to actual signs, today you have a focus for your attention.

Pay special attention to the people who connect with you or move toward you.

Look for the following:

- Emails you receive
- Calls you get
- People who come to where you are standing in line
- Co-workers who approach you
- Strangers who speak to you

What messages can you find in these connections with people? are looking for SIGNS THAT YOUR DESIRE IS ON ITS WAY.
What do you see?

Do you notice more people are connecting with you, now that you are looking for it?

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Miracle Soup Day 24

Yesterday we went over the basics of how the recipe cards work for this week. You are to keep a specific desire in mind and be on the lookout for all signs that it is coming. As you track your experience with this each day, you'll also get the opportunity to try some specific approaches to your "miracle hunt".


As you look for *signs that your desire is on its way* today, pay special attention to actual signs.

Keep a close watch on the following to see what synchronicities are presented, related to your desire:

- Billboards
- Newspaper and magazine headlines
- Email subject lines
- Sales and promotions
- Titles of books
- Names of streets on street signs

Look at SIGNS today... what miracles do you see, now that you are keeping your eyes open?

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Miracle Soup Day 23

The theme of this week is simple:

You will be OBSESSIVELY, PASSIONATELY, TIRELESSLY looking for miracles!

If you can commit to this process, you will be astonished at what you uncover.

The basis of this technique is very simple: whatever you focus on is what you see. By going through the previous week's exercises, you've now laid the groundwork to be a very powerful magnet for miracles. Now you just have to LOOK for them...and you'll see them everywhere!

This is often referred to as The Law of Attraction. I got all the proof I needed that this concept works when I began to be obsessive about gathering gratitude a couple of years ago. Every day, I aimed to increase my gratitude balance in my "account". (This later became my "Accounting Your Blessings" e-course!) Looking for things to be grateful for received top attention every single day.
It took a while to develop the habit, but after a while, it became second-nature. I found very quickly that the more I looked for things to be grateful for, the more I saw!

I figured it this worked for gratitude, why not try it with other things. When I tried passionately looking for miracles, incredible things showed up in my life. Unbelievable "coincidences" and gifts in all shapes and forms.

This week, suspend your disbelief and "just try". Just try to see what happens if you look for miracles. You have absolutely nothing to do, and a bounty of grace to gain.


You have six recipe cards to work with this week - one for each day (from your Recipe Booklet). The process for each day will be the same; however, each day's lesson will add a new "twist" to the process. Focusing on the same desire each day is a great way to develop momentum in your partnership with the Universe -- but you also can enjoy playing a bit, by changing your desire each day. Remember -this week is all about experimentation and FUN!

You'll need to have access to the card throughout the day, so either bring the worksheet with you, or create your own "recipe cards" using index cards, as was previously suggested.

First thing in the morning, write your desire on the first card.
Then, all day, look for SIGNS THAT THE DESIRE IS ON ITS WAY.

The trick is to REMEMBER to look for signs. It's very easy to get caught up in being busy that we forget that our job is to be seeking signs. You may want to set up a reminder system for yourself. Some ideas include:

- Putting a sign on your computer
- Setting an alarm each hour
- Wearing a special bracelet or a rubber band on your wrist
- Asking a buddy to remind you throughout the day

After you've recorded the SIGNS THAT THIS DESIRE IS ON ITS WAY TO YOU, note the miracle that you've experienced. The miracle could be as simple as, "I realized that the world is giving me signs that my desire is closer and that filled me with a new sense of excitement." Or the miracle could be unexpected blessings, gifts, or support -- and finally, it WILL be the fulfillment of the desire, itself!

Then record comments for the day, specifically giving an indication of your attention level in looking for signs throughout the day. This is very important, as you'll be able to go back and look at your cards and notice patterns between your experience of miracle-watching and the deliverance of your blessings.

If you go through the day and realize that you have forgotten to be looking, don't worry -- this takes practice. Just try again the next day.

So try this for today -- and we'll build on this tomorrow.

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Miracle Soup Day 22

We're moving on to our final section of Miracle Soup. This one focuses on *receiving* miracles. You've already worked on gathering ingredients, cooking the ingredients, and serving the soup. Here's where you get to sit down and enjoy the soup, yourself.

Though this might be the most pivotal section, it was very important that the other sections came first. To put the previous lessons into a context that will prepare you for working with the
Miracle Recipe Cards this week, complete the exercise below.


I invite you to focus on the ways you have ALREADY received miracles throughout this process. Take out your journal and answer these questions:

1. Did you learn any new insights in the "ingredients" section of this course? What were the first shifts you had during this course? Did any miracles or unexpected gifts of any form come your way?

2. If you have been keeping up with the Synchronicity Log started in week 1, has your awareness of synchronicity increased?

3. As you transformed beliefs, thoughts, patterns, habits, etc., were there any new gifts that came your way?

4. Describe your experience with serving others and tithing. In what ways were YOU the recipient of the miracle?

That's all for today...see you tomorrow!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Miracle Soup Day 21

We've already worked with financial and physical tithes. Today is about making a spiritual tithe. Instructions are below.

Also, you may download the Weekly Menu for this week which contains some extra ideas.

If you had a bank statement that was titled, "(Your Name)'s Possessions", what would it look like?

What would be listed on it? What do you POSSESS?

At first, you might think of material things: clothes, computers, cars, food, furniture, knick-knacks.

But go further. What else do you possess?

Your list could include the following:

- talents
- skills
- beliefs
- faith
- laughter
- compassion
- free time
- love
- and much, much more.

Today's exercise invites you to use your imagination to plan a spiritual tithe, in which you take 10% of something in your non-physical possession to share, donate, or give.

This could be giving 10 percent of your free time to a worthy cause. Or a large chunk of compassion (what might approximate to 10%) to a friend in need. Or sharing 10% of your knowledge in a particular area with someone to whom the new knowledge will be a true difference.

If you look at those examples above, you'll see something very interesting. When you give a tithe (what might amount to 10 percent, more or less) of one of these non-physical possessions, your possession doesn't diminish!

In other words, if you tithe a skill, you still have that skill. If you tithe knowledge, you aren't giving away knowledge for good. If you tithe compassion, you still have more than you need. Even time is infinite, if we look at the big picture. There is always more time! (Even when we feel like there isn't.)

This is a fantastic lesson about the financial and physical tithing, too. Giving away 10% of financial income is NO different than giving away 10% of compassion. It is all constantly re-cycling and re-circling.

Anything given with a true heart is never taken away from you!


What spiritual tithe can you make, following the above lesson for guidance? Make a plan for sharing a non-physical possession that can be carried out fairly quickly. Keep the momentum going...and
DO it!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 20

Because creating acts of service for strangers is one of the most miraculous things you can do, today's recipe is to do another one.


Two days ago you engaged in a visualization about providing services to strangers, and then planned an act of service based on the intuitive "hits" you got from the visualization.

TODAY -- and I really mean TODAY, you are to create an *spontaneous* act of service to a stranger.
Something quick, off the cuff, that you are inclined to do instantly.

Just keep your eyes open for the opportunity -- you'll know it when you see it!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 19

Two days ago, we looked at the idea of tithing -- giving back 10 percent as an expression of gratitude and faith.

Financial tithing isn't the only kind of tithe, however. You can also use the financial tithe as a model for tithing from your other "incomes".

The next two exercises on tithing, as well as some of the ideas in the Weekly Menu list you'll have access to at the end of the week, will stretch your imagination to think of other ways that you can tithe.

Use these exercises to broaden the way you think about giving and receiving miracles. You may find that you want to engage in several different kinds of tithing at once, because that is what feels joyful! Or you may find that engaging in other tithing acts is a better fit for you right now, rather than making a financial commitment that you don't feel ready for.

The important thing is to remember that when it comes to sharing, you have so much more than dollars and pennies to give. There are many different "bank accounts" that hold all kinds of revenue, and ALL of them are ripe for sharing.


Look around you. If you had a bank statement that reflected your physical space, what would it look like? What items would be listed? What kinds of transactions might be included? Is your balance high or low? Do you like the way your "bottom line" feels? Is there a sense of flow in the statement? How would you like this bank statement to be different?

You can really see the magic of prosperity laws in action when you engage in a cycle of releasing things that no longer need. For some people, there is much less resistance working with *things* than working with money. This is why many people find it easy to manifest, say, a book they want, but harder to manifest a specific dollar amount they desire. The teachings of Abraham-Hicks say "it is no more difficult to manifest a castle than a button". The only difference between the two is the resistance involved. Simply put, resistance gets in the way of faith. When we are holding a solid sense of faith, and no attachment to outcome, the Universe/God can just reach right in and give us exactly what we want and need.

So, some people are well-versed in letting go of physical possessions to allow for new things to flow in. Others people have a very difficult time letting go of physical possessions -- it brings up their deepest fears about scarcity and lack. No matter which category you fall into (or if you are somewhere in between), I invite you to take part in a physical tithe, in which you give ten percent of your physical possessions away.

Here's where this gets fun. Physical tithing can look like a LOT of different things! Here are just a few examples, to get you thinking:

- Going through your closet and removing 10 percent of your clothes (there's probably at least 10 percent you don't wear) and donating to charity

- Donating 10 percent of your week's grocery shopping to a food bank or shelter

- Giving 10 percent of your music CDs to a friend who is going through a tough time

- Engaging in a major decluttering endeavor, using physical tithing as your motivational structure: go through your house, room by room, and put aside 10 percent of your possessions to "freecycle" or donate to a cause of your choice. (Do a search engine search on freecycling to find a Web site or message board for your area.)

- Give 10 percent of the flowers, vegetables, or herbs from your garden to someone whose work makes your life easier (postal worker, bank teller, grocer, etc.)

What can YOU think of?

Think about a physical tithe that YOU can undertake, and write down your plan in the "recipe card"...and be sure to record your experience when you've completed your tithe!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Miracle Soup Day 18

As you know, this week we are alternating between tithes and services. Just as you have already provided a miraculous act of service for a friend, today your exercise is to perform a significant service for a stranger.


Remember, a "significant service" needn't be large or complicated in scope. It just means that whatever you are providing will make a difference to the recipient.

Today, put aside 10-15 minutes for the following visualization exercise:

Close your eyes and pretend you are watching yourself in a dream, or on a movie screen. See yourself going through various acts of "random kindnesses", providing wonderfully helpful services to strangers. Allow yourself to imagine one scenario after another, each in great detail.

You offer a service to the first stranger: what do you do? How does she respond? Then you go on to your next "good deed": what happens there? In your imagination, walk yourself through a beautiful day of connecting with strangers at every turn, offering services that help them significantly.

Then, open your eyes and answer the following questions in your journal:

- What kinds of services were you performing in your mind's eye?

- Which ones were most joyful?

- What kind of strangers were you connecting with?

- Which people were the most wonderful to connect with?

- Did you have any negative experiences or resistances?

- What act of service can you perform for a stranger today? Do you want to plan something specific? Or simply keep your eyes open for someone who could use your help?

Then use the recipe card for SERVICE TO A STRANGER to make a plan and record your act of service for today. Record your responses and the other person's.

And that's it for today!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 17

Today is your introduction to the concept of tithing, and the first of three specific tithing exercises that I invite you to undertake.

Every person who reads this lesson will have a difference sense of the word "tithe". You may already be actively tithing, or completely new to the concept, or filled with heavy burdens related to the word from what others may have told you of its meaning. No matter where you are, let's start with a fresh look at tithing, and the ways that you can use it to give and receive more miracles in your life.

Note: if you are new to tithing, or have resistances related to it, you may want to do a "doubt count" while reading this material today, and then repeat it again in a few days to see if your doubt count is shifting. This is a way to get a solid sense of shifts being made in your resistances.

The word "tithe" is based on the word "tenth". Tithing refers to giving the tenth part, or the tithe, of all income, in an act of service or honor.

This week we will extend tithing to other areas beyond financial income. Today, however, we'll focus on your income as a way to illustrate this momentous opportunity.

Tithing has strong roots in religious cultures, but it is a concept that extends far beyond the realm of churches, synagogues, or religious factions or groups. Depending on the path of your life, you may have negative associations with tithing. You may have been exposed to tithing as a way of "bribing" God for getting answered prayers, or learned that you would be punished if you did not tithe. You may have seen tithes been abused by religious and organizational leaders who manipulated others to use their prosperity in less than honorable ways.

For our "fresh start" on tithing, allow me to introduce tithing as the following:

- a tangible, hands-on way to give thanks for all we have been given

- a way to circulate abundance and ignite the entire world with greater prosperity

- a way to exercise faith in the flow of all kinds of abundance and goodness coming our way

- a glorious way to become conscious of the cyclical nature of abundance

- an opportunity to direct gratitude for specific blessings to specific channels

- an opportunity to let go of attachments to what you think you need or desire

- an opportunity to realize the oneness of all creation and release conceptions of what is "yours" and "theirs"

Tithing is very handy because it is a way to get "heady" concepts out of the theoretical and into the practical. It becomes much easier to truly learn about faith when we are practicing it, and not just thinking and talking about it.

The most important thing that I can say about tithing is that it is not, and never should be, an obligation. Tithing is a wonderful opportunity to put your spiritual beliefs about all forms of prosperity and faith into action.

What I have found is that just was we are consciously creating everything in our lives, whether intentionally or not, the Universe is constantly tithing for each of us. The natural laws of giving and receiving keep all flows in balance whether we are aware of it or not. Tithing is a grand opportunity to be conscious of what is flowing outward from our abundance, allowing us to direct this energy in specific directions to offer specific messages of gratitude.

In other words, the natural state of the Universe is to constantly keep things circulating and flowing. It is impossible to ONLY receive, just as it is impossible to ONLY give. However, by reveling in the opportunity to tithe, you become a participator in directing the flow and observing, first-hand, how regularly, perfectly, and infallibly this flow works.

Giving away your tithe - 10 percent - will always bring greater blessings to you. As you've already discovered in this course, blessings come in many forms. For example, re-organizing your finances to give away 10 percent of your income might not necessarily bring you more income - but it may provide you with a context for managing your money in a way that is more life-affirming and in line with your values. The Universe delights in giving us what we need to be happy, along with guidance on how to use these gifts. Tithing is an easy way to see the flow of those gifts in delicious action.

I don't know WHY it works this way, just as I don't know exactly why the degrees of all triangles add up to 180 degrees. If you engage in tithing and observe what comes to pass, you will see first-hand the joy that comes from being an active participant in the circulation.

When choosing where you will place your tithe, go where the JOY goes. As soon as you find yourself thinking, "I SHOULD donate to such-and-such...", stop the thought. Tithing is not about obligation, it is about expression. A great exercise is to think of the people and places from which you have received life-enhancing nourishment. Tithing to those people and places is a perfect way to not only circulate your abundance through your tithe, but also express gratitude for the "spiritual food" you have received. Give where the joy will know where is right!

Resistances to tithing are natural. If you are struggling to make ends meet, you may wonder how in the world you could survive on 90%, rather than 100%, of your current income. You may worry that you will need the money later. You may become distressed over where to place the money. You may be full of fear that a bad financial situation could become worse.

These fears are completely natural, and I encourage you to recognize them but not be hard on yourself for feeling fear. Tithing requires our faith to take a big leap to trust far beyond a sense of lack and truly trust in God and the Universe. You won't lessen your fear by reading or talking about tithing -- you have to experience it for yourself to come to a new level of faith.

If you are fearful of starting with 10%, start smaller to give yourself some muscle memory about this process. Start by tithing 1% of your income, or 5%. Be sure to include all increases in
income, including any loans you make take out. The idea is that 10% of whatever is yours goes back into the whatever form makes YOU happiest.


After reading today's material, write down your initial thoughts, fears, or reactions.

Next, use the recipe card to make a plan for a tithe for this week. Record your income for this week, determine the 10%, and plan where you would like to place that 10%. Think of the blessings you have received and use this 10% as an opportunity to -- literally or metaphorically -- express gratitude for those blessings.

When you've made your tithe, mark it off on the recipe card and record your experience.

Don't worry about what comes next ... for now, just use this opportunity to circulate 1/10th of this week's income back into the soup.

More tomorrow!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 16

Your challenge today is to plan your first act of MIRACULOUS SERVICE.

Think back to the times when someone else did something for you that really made a difference. Most likely, your memories will serve as proof that meaningful services don't have been complicated, elaborate, or over-the-top. Often, meaningful service is deceptively simple.

For our purposes, a miraculous service is one that will make a significant difference to the recipient, which you offer without expectation of reciprocation, exchange, or benefit. A miraculous service can be anything...

- A truly heartfelt comment
- A surprise gift
- A helpful favor

...the possibilities are endless!

By engaging in GIVING miracles, you open yourself to the wonderful feeling of pure service, as well as the experience of fulfilling abundance as you realize HOW MUCH you really have to give.


Today's assignment is to use the first "recipe card" in your recipe card booklet to plan a miraculous service to offer a friend of yours.

Here are some guidelines for your service act:

- Select something that you can complete fairly quickly, i.e., today...or this week.
- Pick something that brings YOU joy when you think about it
- It can be something that you either do anonymously for your friend, or with your friend's knowledge that you are the giver

Write down your plan on the recipe card, and follow it up with a few words about your experience AND your perception of your friend's experience. (These notes are important, so be sure to include them!)

Welcome to the world of giving miracles....warning: giving miracles can be addictive! And this is just the beginning!

See you tomorrow for your introduction to tithing.

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Miracle Soup Day 15

So far we have looked at...
- ingredients of miracles
- "cooking" (transforming what you have, i.e., beliefs)

The next step is to engage in SERVICE.

If you are putting your attention and intention toward transforming your beliefs, you are ready for this exciting and important stage of creating miracles!

Don't worry … you don't have to have successfully transformed all your old beliefs, lickety-split. If some of those pesky beliefs have been hanging around for a while, they won't get "cooked" overnight.

This is important, because I've observed that many people stop themselves from serving, or postpone doing so, because they think they "aren't ready". These types of thoughts are very common:

"I'll tithe when more money is flowing my way."
"I can help others when I'm not such a mess myself."
"I can't help anyone right now, not with the state I'm in."
"There's not enough to share...not yet."
"Nothing I could give would make a difference."

The act of service and giving is a vital part of Miracle Soup. It is this act that allows you to step into the role of GIVING miracles. Creating miracles for others is a sacred, beautiful experience. It feels so good. The act of honoring others by offering a miracle will fill you with a sense of grace and well-being. It also opens you up to the vital cycle of giving and receiving. By giving miracles, you become beautifully vulnerable to be showered with miracles given to you, from a massive variety of sources.

The recipes for this week are divided into two parts: tithes and services. Each day's recipes will alternate between one and the other.

At its most basic definition, tithing is giving 10% of your total income to a cause that is important to you. This week, we'll discuss not only monetary tithing, but also physical and spiritual tithing as well.

For our purposes this week, we'll define service as providing acts of assistance, support, or kindness. These acts are not knowingly exchanged for any tangible benefits on your part.


To launch off this new section on service, answer the following questions in your journal. Keep your answers - you'll return to them later.

1. Recall a positive experience of serving someone in some way. How did you feel?

2. Do you have negative experiences of serving others? What are the feelings associated with these experiences? Do you have any insights of why the experience was a negative one?

3. What is your experience or background with tithing? Is it a new concept to you? If not, when did you first hear about tithing and what are your feelings associated with it?

4. Write down a handful of times in which you have given something without expectation of receiving anything. In retrospect, do you wish you had given more? Or less?

5. What are you most joyous anticipations related to providing services, tithing, or giving miracles?

7. Do you have any fears or resistances associated with providing services, tithing, or giving miracles?

See you tomorrow with your first service recipe!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 14

Today is the last day of the second week, which consisted of Transforming Beliefs.

Download the Weekly Miracle Menu for Week 2, to find suggestions for further exploration along the idea of transformation.

Today's Recipe serves as a transition between Transformation and Service. You'll start a new week for Service tomorrow.

American people tend to be very competitive with one another, and I believe that it has hurt us, as a society, far more than it has helped us. Today's exercise encourages you to release the idea of competition, or the perception of any lack in relation to another person or entity. Consider what Deepak Chopra says, which is in direct opposition to the idea of competition:

"Practicing the Law of Giving is actually very simple: if you want joy, give joy to others; if you want love, learn to give love; if you want attention and appreciation, learn to give attention and appreciation; if you want material affluence, help others become materially affluent. In fact the easiest way to get what you want is to help others get what they want."
-- Deepak Chopra in "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success"

There are several reasons why the action of giving someone else what YOU most desire works:

On a spiritual level, it attracts more of what your desire to you.
An energetic "message" is sent, in ways that we can't fully articulate, that is matched by what is drawn to you. Whatever you give is always returned to you. Going about it this way – helping someone else get what you, yourself want – helps the Universe be specific in the way you receive it.

On a practical level, this gets you actively and passionately thinking about the topic at hand, which will bring more inspiration, brainstorming, and motivation concerning your own desire. By helping others get what you also want, you instantly put yourself in the same sphere as your desire - connecting with the same people, places, and events that will bring your desire closer to the people you are helping AND to you.


This recipe card (on the lower right of the recipe cards for this week) focuses on the act of transforming desires. Here's how it works:

1. Write down your desire.
2. "Spin" the desire 180 degrees by writing it so that you are helping another/others get that very thing.
3. Write down an action you can take to indicate your commitment to the "spin".
4. Check off when it is done.

An example:

Desire: I want to be a published writer.
Spin: I want to help others become published writers.
Action: Conduct research about the process of submitting a book proposal, for the purpose of creating a booklet to give to your writer friends as a gift. This will help them get the basic facts about the process, saving them gads of research time. Think of ways to share this information for free to help a wider audience, too.

Obviously, there are MANY actions that could be taken to make this "spin" come true. Pick one action....or pick twenty.....either way, you are making a significant difference in bringing your desire closer to you.

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 13

Today's Recipe is short and sweet....and this gives you a chance to get caught up on the other Transformation Recipe cards, if you need to.


Do your "Doubt Count" again. See where you tally compares to the tally you made earlier in the week.

Any differences? Higher or lower?

Spend some time absorbing the shifts that are occurring on the subject of TRANSFORMING BELIEFS by doing one of the following:

- Writing in your journal

- Meditating, while focusing your attention on the idea of transforming beliefs

- Creating a piece of art to express the transformation of your beliefs

- Engaging in a meaningful conversation with someone on the subject (this could be a conversation with a friend, or even a conversation with God or Spirit)

We're about to move into a week that is completely devoted to SERVICE. Tomorrow's final transformation recipe card will serve as the transition to the new phase.

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 12

Today we're looking at transforming challenges.

Remember - this is all part of the "cooking" part of this course -- where we are using "ingredients" from Week 1 to transform beliefs.
One of the most important beliefs to change, in order to be a more powerful miracle-maker and miracle-magnet, is to change the stories we tell about our challenges.

You may want to go back to what you wrote in answer to the questions in Lesson 1 to see if your challenges are part of your "story", when it comes to how you see and understand miracles. How have your challenges played roles in the way you give and receive miracles?

Continue reading for the transformation "recipe" for today!


1. On the Transforming Challenges recipe card (in your recipe card booklet), write down a challenge that you are experiencing right now.

2. Think about how this challenge could actually be an opportunity. It may be easy to arrive at this information, or it may take some doing. If you are struggling to find the opportunity in the challenge, try some free-form journaling, meditating, or art-making to get your right brain involved.

When you have articulated the opportunity, write it down.

3. Next, think of an action that will contribute to that opportunity.

Here's an example:

Challenge - twisted my ankle
Opportunity - my body is trying to help me slow down
Action - feed my body a delicious, healthy meal, eat slowly and enjoy nourishing myself

And, of course, the final step is to check it off when you have done the action.

Try this out with a few challenges in the next few days. Remember that the Actions can be simple...but their power reverberates in ways you can't even grasp!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 11

There's another transformation exercise to explore today. This one is about transforming habits.

You're probably beginning to see a pattern here: transformation involves replacing an old concept with a new one. We've done it so far with thoughts and fears.

Think of how a child learns the concepts of opposites. It has to be illustrated in the extreme. (I always think of old Sesame Street sketches where the concepts of opposites were always so funny.)

We illustrate the concept of opposites by going to the far extremes, and that's exactly what we are going to do today, with habits.


Take a moment and write down any habits that you'd like to be rid of. This can be anything from biting your nails to overspending to being bothered by a co-worker to chronic procrastination.

Next, write down any negative thoughts that have been nagging at you lately.

When you're done, take a look at the two lists. More likely than not, there are items in each list that obviously line up with something on the other list. You see, I believe that any habit has a certain belief or thought associated with it.

Here's an example from when I did this exercise with someone. Her negative habits were the ones I mentioned above: biting her nails, overspending, being resentful at a co-worker, and chronic procrastination.

Before telling her about the connection between negative thoughts and habits, I asked her to name some negative thoughts that frequently creep up on her. Here is what she said: I feel stuck, things will never change, nothing I do is enough, and everyone else seems to be going somewhere but me.

Just take a look at the connections between the two lists:
1. I feel stuck: biting my nails
2. things will never change: procrastination
3. nothing I do is enough: overspending
4. everyone is going somewhere but me: resentful of co-worker

It's surprising how perfectly I've seen these lists line up for people, time and time again!

I think it's really important to understand this connection because it gives us a GREAT shortcut. To change a thought, we can work on transforming -- creating the opposite of -- a habit that manifests that belief.

So, understanding that negative thoughts lead to negative habits, and vice-versa, look at the "recipe card" (from the recipe cards booklet) for transforming habits. Write down a negative thought and a habit that seems to be a manifestation of the thought.

Next, articulate the OPPOSITE of the habit, to create a NEW habit.

For example:

The opposite of biting nails could be painting your nails a fantastic color, and doing it regularly, as a habit. Taking on this new habit is a great way to get unstuck -- and thus, counteract the negative thought of "being stuck".

The opposite of being resentful of the co-worker could be to reach out and provide service, support, assistance, and warmth toward that person. Unlocking the blocked energy in this way immediately makes you more dynamic in the workplace; a small change in habits and suddenly you are more magnetic to others. Even if the co-worker doesn't shift, others around you will. It's a guarantee. That boosts self-esteem and also opens up many doors. And guess who is suddenly "going somewhere" (i.e., transforming the previous negative thought)?

Have some fun with this one. It's powerful stuff.

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Miracle Soup Day 10

There's another transformation exercise to explore today. This one is about transforming fears.


Look at the recipe card for "Transforming Fears" in your recipe card book.

Write down a list of some of the fears that you hold that seem to interrupt you from living life to the fullest. Then take the first fear, and write down the complete OPPOSITE of that fear in the next column.

For example, if a fear is "not being able to pay the bills", one complete opposite is "having more than enough money to pay the bills."

The next step is to write down a Small Action that you will take to embody the "opposite". In this instance, it could be that your Action is to pay more than the minimum amount due on your bills...even if it is just $1. Even if it is just $1 on one bill!

These types of actions TRAIN our minds to think boot camp for shifting perceptions.

The final column is for you to check off when the Action you have proposed is DONE. This is important!

Bear in mind that the example I just mentioned is not the ONLY opposite that can be derived from the fear, "not being able to pay the bills". Another opposite, going even further, would be "to have enough money to pay bills of people I love!" In which case, the Action you specify may have to do with picking up the tab for lunch, or buying a few groceries for someone.

Another slant would be, "I have enough money to contribute to pay for the basic needs of strangers"...and of course, there are many small Actions that you could work with, in this sphere.

Get the idea?

Go have fun transforming your fears!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Miracle Soup Day 9

Make sure you did the "Doubt Count" exercise will revisit that again in another few days to see if anything is shifting.

Within the context of our week of transformation, today's exercise is about transforming the WORDS YOU SPEAK.

The words we say are very powerful...more than we know. Just as experiment, try today's recipe and see what happens.


Using the recipe card on the upper-left side of Week 2 in your recipe card booklet, write down the negative words that you say (to yourself or out loud) on a regular basis.

For example: overwhelmed, tired, frustrated, annoyed, tapped out, etc....

Write your list of the ones that creep up regularly.

Across from each word, write a NEW word that you will actively working on using as a replacement over the next week.

My big one was "have to", as in "Sigh...I have to ___." I made an effort to transform that to "I get to ____" (because really, there always is a choice), and it was a big shift for me.

Another example for me personally was shifting "overwhelmed" to "maximized" and "energized". BIG CHANGES occurred!

Write down your list on the card, and every day, pick ONE word for your list to work on transforming for the entire day. Catch yourself every time you use the "old" word, and then switch to the new word. Try a new word every day for a week (go back and repeat words as necessary)...and see how your attraction powers switch!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 8

Today marks the second week of Miracle Soup, the week in which we focus on the act of using the ingredients we've already discussed for the purpose of transformation beliefs. You can think of it as "cooking".

Each day this week, the Miracle Recipe you'll be given focuses on a different kind of transformation, with specific instructions on how you can keep track of your progress.

I encourage you try all of the different practices. You'll know fairly quickly if it's something that you'd like to continue to cultivate, after this week is through. But just like with food, "you'll never know if you like it, until you try it!"

The first transformation for the week is transforming doubts. There are two ways doubt can be changed into belief. First, it can happen suddenly, brought on by an experience of great intensity, or it can happen gradually, over time. Beliefs don't change overnight, but you can bring them about more swiftly by paying attention to micro-changes that occur over time in the belief structure.

For example, let's look at someone who doesn't believe in a Higher Power. In order for that person to believe, she either must be engaged in a powerful experience that suddenly persuades her otherwise, or her belief is transformed slowly over time. In the case of the latter, she could follow an internal progression that goes something like this:

- I don't believe in God
- I doubt there is a God
- There might be a God
- I would like to believe in God
- I am seeing more and more reasons to believe in God
- I believe in God

In this example, if she was paying attention to the shifts that were happening in her consciousness (i.e., talking about them, journaling about them, dreaming about them), she would be more likely to reach the change more quickly than if she were unaware of the shifts occurring. She would also be more likely to hit that crucial turning point of taking responsibility, ("I would like to believe in God") than if she was not articulating her process.

By actively processing through change, we bring unconscious shifts to a conscious level, which adds momentum to the direction of change.

On the upper-right corner of your "recipe card" worksheet for this week, is a card for "Doubt Count."

Today's Recipe will introduce you to a simple process that you can track on that area of the worksheet. Try it once today, and then try it again every few days.


Think of the things you would like to have in life...the miracles you'd love to see.

Once you have them vividly in your mind, fill an entire page with a list of statements that describe how you would LIKE to feel about drawing those things into your life. What would you really want to know, for sure? What would you like to rely on? What evidence would you like to see?

If you pay attention to where your beliefs are, it is much easier to shift them. As discussed above, being in tune to the various stages of the journey increases the momentum at which crucial changes occur.

The "Doubt Count" is a quick way to get a sense of the status of your beliefs. It's very easy. To start, simply grab a pen and write down today's date. Next, read through each of the quotes below.

When you read something that really makes sense, and something that you truly belief, you don't need to do anything...just keep reading. If, however, you read something that you doubt or do not believe, just make a "tick" mark next today's date.

Continue reading, making tick marks whenever you read something that you don't belief is true. All doubts are not created equal, and some will be stronger than others. The bottom line, however, is that for every statement, you either BELIEVE it, or you DOUBT it. "Doubt" gets a mark; "Believe" doesn't.

Do this exercise without any judgment. Whatever you believe or doubt is's just where you are.

After reading these statements, and marking your page accordingly, go back and read what you wrote yesterday, about what you WANT to believe is true. Add any more tick marks that you need to mark when reading your own words.

Then close up the exercise for today. Try it again every few days and see if your count changes.

Here are the quotes....make sure to have your pen to mark your Doubt Count!:

1. "The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater our own sense of well-being becomes. Cultivating a close, warmhearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease. It is the ultimate source of success in life."
~ Dalai Lama

2. "What you put out comes back. The more you sincerely appreciate life from the heart, the more the magnetic energy of appreciation attracts fulfilling life experiences to you, both personally and professionally."
~ Doc Childre

3. "In fact, the easiest way to get what you want is to help others get what they want."
~ Deepak Chopra

4. "There is absolutely nothing...NOTHING...that you cannot be, do, or have...It is as easy to create a castle as it is a button."

5. "Whether you think you can, or think you can't - you are right."
~Henry Ford

6. "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking which created them."
~ Albert Einstein

7. "The individual human mind is like a computer terminal connected to a giant database. The database is human consciousness itself, of which our own consciousness is merely and individual expression, but with its roots in the common consciousness of all mankind. This database is the realm of genius; because to be human is to participate in the database, everyone by virtue of his birth has access to genius."
~ David Hawkins

8. "If you are one step away from the poor house, you are only a step away from the rich house."
~ Neale Donald Walsch

9. "The universe is loving, friendly, and supports your highest good. Trust is knowing that you are part of the process of creating, and believing in your ability to draw to your what you want."
~ Sanaya Roman

10. "When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: there will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly."
~ Barbara J. Winter

11. "The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible."
~ Richard deVos

12. "Anyone can be a millionaire, simply by deciding to be one. It only takes one minute.
~ The One Minute Millionaire

13. "The Law of Deliberate Creation: Step 1. Get clear about what you want.
Step 2. Line your energy up with it. Step 3. Allow it and it is yours.

14. "Whatever your needs may be, the answer is not to get God to give you more through some divine sleight-of-hand process, but rather to uncover and release your own 'imprisoned splendor'."
~Eric Butterworth

15. "You will not have that for which you ask, nor can you have anything you want. This is because your very request is a statement of lack, and your saying you want a thing only works to produce that precise experience - wanting - in your reality.
The correct prayer is therefore never a prayer of supplication, but a prayer of gratitude."
~ Neale Donald Walsch

16. "Reminiscent of the biblical passage that 'in my father's house there are many mansions,' the 'house' of our world is the home of many possible outcomes for the conditions that we create in our lives. Rather than creating our reality, it may be more accurate to say that we attract future outcomes, already established, into the focus of the present. The choices we make as individuals determine which mansion, or quantum possibility, we experience in our personal lives."
~Greg Braden

17. "Don't make yourself feel wrong for worrying about money. Do change the habit of worrying, or you will continue to worry about money no matter how much you have. If you resolve to think only about money when you feel confident and peaceful, you can increase your magnetism to what you want."
~ Sanaya Roman

18. "If you need a miracle, focus instead on how to GIVE a miracle. If this is the way we approach living -- constantly, obsessively, deliciously -- all the miracles we need have no choice but to come to us, and they delight in doing so."
~ Marney Makridakis

19. "Our focus on what is wrong will always create more of the same. The worse we feel, the worse things get. The better we feel, the better things get."
~ Lynn Grabhorn

20. "What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us. I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst. Every thought we think is creating our future. Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings. The thoughts we think and words we speak create our experiences."
~ Louise Hay

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 7

This week, we've gathered together the ingredients for miracles.
You took a look at your relationship with:
- synchronicity
- imagination
- emotion

Yesterday, you also came up with a list of your own additional ingredients. The kinds of things that may have been on your list might include things like:
- gratitude
- forgiveness
- love
- faith
- generosity
- hope
- belief
- openness

In addition to the Miracle Recipe below, you may download your Weekly Miracle Menu. This Menu consists of more activities and exercises that continue to work with the idea of "Miracle Ingredients", should you want to dig a bit deeper.

Look at all the ingredients you've come up with, including new ones that are coming to you right now. Remember, these are ingredients that you feel are necessary to create miracles, as YOU define miracles.

Now, pretend that you are taking an inventory of your internal pantry to see which of these ingredients is running low, and which are plentiful. For example, you may determine that you have an abundance of creativity, but that you are running low on patience. Or that you have a bit of confidence, but that you could always use some more.

Using this information, create a "shopping list" indicating the qualities that you would most like to develop during the coming weeks. Place the shopping list somewhere where you will see it often (like the refrigerator, next to your "real" shopping list) to remind yourself that you're seeking a greater amount of that ingredient.

Remember - if the ingredient is on your list, it means you are aware of it. And if you're aware of it, then you CAN get it! It's not some elusive concept that is beyond you -- it's right on your list, so you can move toward it every day!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 6

In the past few days, we've talked about each of these "ingredients" for miracles...

- synchronicity
- imagination
- emotion

What do you think is missing to make a miracle?


Go back to your answers from Day #1, and take a look at your definition and understanding of "miracle".

Looking at those definitions, wonderings, musings...what other ingredient(s) would you need to make a miracle happen?

Write about it, talk about it, draw or collage about it. Play with this question and see what comes.

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 5

Before you can have something that you want, you have to know what it is.

This sounds obvious, and yet there are many people who don't really know what they want. Many people have desires, but when they dream about then, the desire is incomplete. People think about WHAT they want, but not about WHY they want something.

Connecting to the "why" gets us in touch with EMOTION...which is the next important ingredient in miracles.

MIRACLE RECIPE #5: Tapping into Emotion

Cultivate a two-part habit:

1. Instead of focusing on what you don't want, focus on what you do want. (i.e., If you have a headache, focus on wanting to be pain-free, rather than having a headache.)

2. Once you focus on what you want, immediately go one step further...WHY do you want it?

Work at this every day, even on the small things. If it helps, put small reminders that say "Why?" where you will see them, to remind you to determine WHY you want what you want.

More tomorrow...

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 4

One of the most important ingredients in attracting miracles is to EMBRACE EXPANSION.

This is a tough thing to do in today's society, which favors linear thinking.

Growing up, creative children are told that they have "too many ideas." As creative folks grow up, they are often labeled as being scattered, disorganized, chaotic, unfocused.

Is that you?

Were you ever called "unreliable" because you did not bring projects to completion? If so, you may be carrying that label with you today, and it is SURE to get in the way of making your miracles.

They may have told you that you had to know what you wanted to do when you grew up, but your answer changed daily. They said your head was in the clouds, they called you a "dreamer". They said you'd never make any money, and that your destiny was to be a "starving artist."

And along the way, you probably got the idea that this was a bad thing. You believed that you would never make money, and so you likely took a string of jobs that made you feel empty, frustrated, and lost. Ironically, you probably didn't make money at THESE jobs either, because you already had such an ingrained sense of lack related to the very essence of who you are.

It's a myth - all of it.

In reality, your very full imagination - both the one you had a child and the one you possess now - is anything but bad. It is the womb for brilliance, the rich soil for miracles. Your creativity has gifted you with an abundance of ideas, which is something to celebrate in a big way.

Furthermore, your imagination is your greatest tool in creating miracles at will.

Reclaiming the imagination is a vital ingredient in the soup!!!

MIRACLE RECIPE #4: Reclaiming Imagination

Your creativity is your true miracle-maker! Release what you've heard in the's time to let it work FOR you, instead of against you!

Write down any memories from childhood that you have of someone telling you that imagination was a liability. (If you are a visual person, and would prefer to visualize the memories, rather than write them down, that's fine.)

Next, re-write (or re-visualize) a different outcome to the memory. Remember "as if" you were full of confidence in your imagination as being your best tool for creating your massively successful future. If you had possession of that confidence, how would the memory be different? Imagine yourself as this very confident, robust child. What might that young child have said to put that person in his or her place?

Play with this (on paper, in your mind, or either/both) and see what comes out.

When you're done, write down that sassy phrase that came from your childhood mouth, in this exercise. Write it down somewhere where you can see it often, to remind yourself that your imagination is your magic ingredient.

We'll be working on finely preparing that ingredient, next...

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 3

As you're logging synchronicities, you can increase the occurrence of synchronicity by being open, and articulating the kind of magnet that you want to be!

For example:
- "I am going to meet wonderful people today!"
- "Somewhere in this room is someone who can help me with my problem."
- "I receive helpful information while I sleep."
- "More and more, I see the purposes behind every single thing that happens to me."
- "As the symbols of my life become more and more meaningful to me, my life becomes more joyful and fulfilling."
- "My hunches are becoming more and more clear to me, and are constantly leading me to meaningful events."

MIRACLE RECIPE #2: Delicious Declarations

Play around with different statements -- either the ones listed above, or declarations of your own. Commit to selecting ONE for today, and say it (out loud if possible...if not, saying it to yourself is ok) as often as you can during the day.

Tomorrow, pick a different statement and say it often through the day. If you can say it at least once an hour, I've found that is often enough to make powerful changes occur.

As you go through your days experimenting with this method, check in every now and then and tune into how the declaration makes you feel? Does anything shift? Do some declarations feel different than others? Take notice of such elements, and, of course, write down any synchronicities and hunches in your Log.

REALLY COMMIT to doing this. Just try's as simple as picking a statement in the a.m. and saying it (which takes all of 3 seconds) every hour.

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 2

One part of manifesting miracles at will is to keep a close watch for synchronicity. Synchronicity is finding meanings between objects, people, events, symbols, and feelings. Jung coined the term synchronicity to describe what he called the "acausal connecting principle" that links mind and matter. He specified that there were three types of synchronicity:

- the coinciding of a thought or feeling with an outside event
- a dream, vision or premonition of something that happens in the future
- a dream or vision that coincides with an event occurring at a distance

Some scientists see a theoretical grounding for synchronicity in quantum physics, fractal geometry, and chaos theory. They are finding that the isolation and separation of objects from each other is more apparent than real; at deeper levels, everything -- atoms, cells, molecules, plants, animals, people – participates in a sensitive, flowing web of information. Physicists have shown, for example, that if two photons are separated, no matter by how far, a change in one creates a simultaneous change in the other.

MIRACLE RECIPE #2: A Synchronicity Log

So...I'm telling you to become amazingly magnetic to synchronicity, and you're probably saying, "" Right?

Today's Miracle Recipe will make the process of cultivating synchronicity easy and fun. It is intended to be a practice that you continue for at least 7 Days.

A Synchronicity Log can be completed in just six minutes a day. Simply take three minutes first thing in the morning, and another three minutes last thing at night, to record a few simple thoughts. If you commit to doing this for only a week, you'll start to notice the difference.

You can create your own Log in your journal, using this format, or you can enjoy the "Recipe Card" format in the booklet of Recipe Cards. You can even use index cards to create your own "recipe cards". The idea is to pick a method that feels fun and inspiring, and that you can consistently try for at least 7 days -- and, hopefully, beyond.

No matter the format of your Synchronicity Log, the basic things it should include are:



- Any meaningful elements of your dreams?

- Intention for the day?

- Any hunches for the day?


- List your gratitude list for today

- Any notes related to today's intention?

- Any hunches that you followed up on?

- Any hunches that you haven't followed up on?

Here are the instructions for entering information on your log:

- On the first morning, enter the date, and note if anything interesting occurred in your dreams. Indicate an intention for the day (i.e., "Today I am going to meet helpful people".) If you have any hunches or instincts for the day -- even strange ones – write them down. If you don't have any hunches, don't worry...just be open to it.

- On the first night, take notes on the prompts listed on the sheet. These don't have to be "journal entries", just notes that you can jot down quickly. Especially take note of any "hunches" that you did or did not follow up on! These can serve as reminders for actions to take later, or serve as powerful "evidence" for the results of actions already taken.

Make a commitment to try this for 7 days. I promise you'll start being more aware of the synchronicities that pop up!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

Miracle Soup Day 1

Welcome to Miracle Soup!

The purpose of this 30-day course is to open you to the experience of noticing, intuiting, and creating miracles in your life on a daily basis. The course is divided into four weeks, each one representing a specific theme, as follows:

WEEK ONE - Gathering Ingredients
WEEK TWO - Cooking
WEEK THREE - Serving
WEEK FOUR - Receiving Nourishment

This is truly one of those experiences where your success will be directly related to the energy you put into the endeavor. A self-study course such as this requires a commitment on your part, and a certain amount of discipline.

I recommend taking a look at your schedule and planning ahead for the time that you will use to working with this material. When you create a regular schedule for your Miracle Soup work, your subconscious mind GETS the idea that this is important to you. Miracles are ALL about the intersection of the real and the divine. As you work with this course in the context of your real life, be both optimistic and realistic, and, be both fervent and flexible.

Even though it is true that you are more likely to experience great changes in your life if you have a certain level of commitment to the process, it's also important to note that you will get out of this course whatever you are supposed to get out of it...right now. That means that if you are in a mode to spend half an hour on this work every day...great! If you are in a mode to gather an hour or two here or there....that's fine. If you stop for two weeks and pick back up, that's cool. If you skip around, that's groovy. And if you find that the lessons get away from you completely for the time being, that is also ok.

Do you see where I'm going with this? There is no "right" or "wrong" way to approach this course. The course itself has a specific format (daily Miracle Recipes and weekly Miracle Menus) but think of this course as a buffet. Take what you want and release the rest...knowing that it will be right there for you whenever you want it.

In other words, this course mirrors the nature of true abundance -- the freedom to choose what you are attracted to at any given moment, knowing that there is always plenty more...for you, and for everyone else.

You may download a booklet of "Recipe Cards", which are worksheets associated with exercises in the daily Miracle Recipes. The first page of the booklet includes some instructions and suggestions about the different ways that you can use the worksheets.

On a practical note, I highly recommend that you use special notebook or journal for all of your Miracle Soup work. There will be times when you will go back to refer to work in previous lessons, and it will be helpful if you can locate the previous material easily. Also, a 3-ring binder works great, because you print out your lessons and keep them all together in one place.

We'll hop right into the "Miracle Recipe" for today. Welcome to this process!

******MIRACLE RECIPE 1*******

Answer each of the questions below. Make your answers as short or as long as you'd like...wherever the questions seem to take you.
SAVE your answers...we'll return to them later.

1. What does the word "miracle" mean to you?

2. Do you have an early memory of hearing the word "miracle"? What was the context?

3. Think back to your parents (or the most significant adults in your life) as you were growing up. What do you think the word "miracle" meant to them?

4. What is a miracle you'd like to see occur in your life that seems impossible?

5. Why does it seem impossible?

6. What is a miracle you'd like to see in your life that seems just a little bit possible?

7. Why might it seem possible?

8. What is a miracle you'd like to see in your life that seems very possible?

9. Why does it seem very possible?

10. Have you experienced miracles in your life? List any that come to mind.

....and that's it for today. See you tomorrow!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.