Saturday, July 24, 2010

Gratitude Garland Day 22

Today's prompt......

When eating bamboo sprouts, remember the man who planted them.
-Chinese Proverb

Think about what you did today -- just the general, every-day stuff. For each of the smallest actions or activities, many things had to occur in order for you to do it.

For example, to pick up and read the morning paper, the printing press was invented and the press industry grown and expanded; paper is recycled, printing inks are generated, hundreds of people worked to research, write, design, print, prepare, and deliver the paper to you. You are sitting at a table which many people worked to design, manufacture, and sell. And what's more, someone helped you learn how to read, influenced your thinking about the matters you're reading about, and your eyes are working well enough to read it.

Continuing along this line of thinking about ANY activity can go on infinitely! For today's slip, think of one small, seemingly insignificant thing you did today, and allow yourself to think of all the things that had to happen first in the miraculous sequence.

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

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