Monday, July 26, 2010

Gratitude Garland Day 26

Today's prompt......

Our own physical body possesses a wisdom which we who inhabit the body lack.
- Henry Miller

The body, like the practice of art, is strengthened stroke by stroke, step by step.
- Marney K. Makridakis

On today's slip, start making a list of all of the ways you are thankful for your body. Think of how many things WORK in your many elements constantly work together to allow you to be reading this prompt, right now! Think, also, of the things your body takes care of, on its own...the things you don't even have to think about! Dive into the glory of the body in your slip, today!
This is a wonderful exercise when you are feeling unwell. It is very helpful to remember that, in spite of the things that are problematic about your body, there are always things that are going right.

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

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