Thursday, October 21, 2010

Creative ManiFestival Day 21

The exercise for today is a variation on one that you did when you were working with your ideal creative space...remember that?

There are a few changes in the procedure, so follow the instructions, below.


1. Write out, in long hand, a full page on why you don't think that you can really have your desire. Write quickly and don't worry at all about it being messy (messy handwriting is actually quite helpful in this exercise.) Write about what's in your way...what seems unrealistic...what seems unlikely...and why you believe those things. Fill up the whole page. DON'T go on to #2 until you finish #1.

2. Make sure you finished #1. :-)

3. Use what you have written in #1 as the basis for a MOVIE SCRIPT. You are working on a dramatic courtroom scene. Write out, in the format of script dialogue, the "prosecuting" testimony, based on what you articulated in #1, AS WELL AS the Defense attorney's response.

Through your dialogue, the defense attorney must provide arguments and evidence to the contrary of the testimony.

Build in dramatic moments! Create a climax! Find the triumph!

More soon....

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

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