Saturday, October 30, 2010

Creative ManiFestival Day 30

As I searched for the best way to bring the course to a close, I knew that it was time to put activities and exercises aside for the last lesson, which would be on the subject of money. I knew that if I could get out of my own way, my own "teaching" voice would be able to step back and allow a greater teacher to come through.

For whatever reason, that voice came through as the voice of butterflies.

Please enjoy the PDF book, "Money-Morphosis: 10 Things Butterflies Can Teach Us About Money".

Also, take a look at a handy list of the 10 Steps.

Take time to use this process anytime you want to bring something, or more of something, into your life. These principles of manifestation are a fun and creative method in which to make significant changes in your life.

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

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