Saturday, October 23, 2010

Creative ManiFestival Day 23

By now, you've probably gotten the idea of the progression we're taking toward building your manifesting muscles.

There are ten steps in all. They go like this:

1. Figure out what you want…and articulate your desire. (Days 18-19)
2. Use some method of creativity (art, writing) to create a vision of what you want in a tangible format. (Day 7, 20)
3. Record any and all reasons why you think you CAN'T have it, and then engage in a creative exercise to transform those very words into answers as to why you CAN have this. (Day 8, 21)
4. Tap into the ESSENCES behind why you want this desire by writing about it with great focus on how you experience these essences. (Day 9, 22)
5. Rewrite the entry for #5, replacing the circumstances with facts and details from your present life, but maintaining the essences. (Day 9, 22)
6. Use the rewrite to determine ways you can achieve these essences related to your desire in your PRESENT life. (Day 22)
7. Add a musical element: what song(s) truly express the essence of your desire? (Day 10)
8. Listen to the music in #8 while making two lists: "Mine to Do" and "Universe's/God's to Do" (Day 11)
9. Use creative exercises to explore blocks or resistances around the topic. (Days 12-15)
10. Actively invoke in the release-create-share-receive cycle in a way that is related to what you want. (Days 16-17)

These steps have worked MIRACLES for me. While I have also experimented with methods such as meditation and chakra alignment to promote my manifesting skills, when I added the ingredient of CREATIVE EXPRESSION, something finally clicked.

The lessons took you through the majority of these steps, using the dream creative space as an example (remember - it's just an example! They can work for ANY dream). You then isolated a new desire and worked through step 6. To fully ignite your multiple senses in the creativity process, continue with the rest of steps for this desire.

Now that you are in the flow, you can continue the steps on your own, related to your current desire. Today's exercise will help you make a plan for what comes next. THEN, days 24-28 will take a closer look at the 10 steps, covering 2 of the steps each day, presenting "above and beyond" content and exercises for each.


Review the steps you have activated thus far, in relation to your new desire. Take a look at steps 7-10 and literally schedule time in your calendar to complete them.

When will you spend some time searching for the perfect music?
When you will work on dividing the tasks between you and the Universe?
When will you creatively participate in addressing and releasing resistances?
What will you do to invoke the release-create-share-receive cycle, and when will you do it?

With these scheduled, you can securely move through the next 5 days of digging deeper into the significance of each step.

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

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