Sunday, September 19, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 19

Two days ago, we looked at the idea of tithing -- giving back 10 percent as an expression of gratitude and faith.

Financial tithing isn't the only kind of tithe, however. You can also use the financial tithe as a model for tithing from your other "incomes".

The next two exercises on tithing, as well as some of the ideas in the Weekly Menu list you'll have access to at the end of the week, will stretch your imagination to think of other ways that you can tithe.

Use these exercises to broaden the way you think about giving and receiving miracles. You may find that you want to engage in several different kinds of tithing at once, because that is what feels joyful! Or you may find that engaging in other tithing acts is a better fit for you right now, rather than making a financial commitment that you don't feel ready for.

The important thing is to remember that when it comes to sharing, you have so much more than dollars and pennies to give. There are many different "bank accounts" that hold all kinds of revenue, and ALL of them are ripe for sharing.


Look around you. If you had a bank statement that reflected your physical space, what would it look like? What items would be listed? What kinds of transactions might be included? Is your balance high or low? Do you like the way your "bottom line" feels? Is there a sense of flow in the statement? How would you like this bank statement to be different?

You can really see the magic of prosperity laws in action when you engage in a cycle of releasing things that no longer need. For some people, there is much less resistance working with *things* than working with money. This is why many people find it easy to manifest, say, a book they want, but harder to manifest a specific dollar amount they desire. The teachings of Abraham-Hicks say "it is no more difficult to manifest a castle than a button". The only difference between the two is the resistance involved. Simply put, resistance gets in the way of faith. When we are holding a solid sense of faith, and no attachment to outcome, the Universe/God can just reach right in and give us exactly what we want and need.

So, some people are well-versed in letting go of physical possessions to allow for new things to flow in. Others people have a very difficult time letting go of physical possessions -- it brings up their deepest fears about scarcity and lack. No matter which category you fall into (or if you are somewhere in between), I invite you to take part in a physical tithe, in which you give ten percent of your physical possessions away.

Here's where this gets fun. Physical tithing can look like a LOT of different things! Here are just a few examples, to get you thinking:

- Going through your closet and removing 10 percent of your clothes (there's probably at least 10 percent you don't wear) and donating to charity

- Donating 10 percent of your week's grocery shopping to a food bank or shelter

- Giving 10 percent of your music CDs to a friend who is going through a tough time

- Engaging in a major decluttering endeavor, using physical tithing as your motivational structure: go through your house, room by room, and put aside 10 percent of your possessions to "freecycle" or donate to a cause of your choice. (Do a search engine search on freecycling to find a Web site or message board for your area.)

- Give 10 percent of the flowers, vegetables, or herbs from your garden to someone whose work makes your life easier (postal worker, bank teller, grocer, etc.)

What can YOU think of?

Think about a physical tithe that YOU can undertake, and write down your plan in the "recipe card"...and be sure to record your experience when you've completed your tithe!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

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