Thursday, September 2, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 2

One part of manifesting miracles at will is to keep a close watch for synchronicity. Synchronicity is finding meanings between objects, people, events, symbols, and feelings. Jung coined the term synchronicity to describe what he called the "acausal connecting principle" that links mind and matter. He specified that there were three types of synchronicity:

- the coinciding of a thought or feeling with an outside event
- a dream, vision or premonition of something that happens in the future
- a dream or vision that coincides with an event occurring at a distance

Some scientists see a theoretical grounding for synchronicity in quantum physics, fractal geometry, and chaos theory. They are finding that the isolation and separation of objects from each other is more apparent than real; at deeper levels, everything -- atoms, cells, molecules, plants, animals, people – participates in a sensitive, flowing web of information. Physicists have shown, for example, that if two photons are separated, no matter by how far, a change in one creates a simultaneous change in the other.

MIRACLE RECIPE #2: A Synchronicity Log

So...I'm telling you to become amazingly magnetic to synchronicity, and you're probably saying, "" Right?

Today's Miracle Recipe will make the process of cultivating synchronicity easy and fun. It is intended to be a practice that you continue for at least 7 Days.

A Synchronicity Log can be completed in just six minutes a day. Simply take three minutes first thing in the morning, and another three minutes last thing at night, to record a few simple thoughts. If you commit to doing this for only a week, you'll start to notice the difference.

You can create your own Log in your journal, using this format, or you can enjoy the "Recipe Card" format in the booklet of Recipe Cards. You can even use index cards to create your own "recipe cards". The idea is to pick a method that feels fun and inspiring, and that you can consistently try for at least 7 days -- and, hopefully, beyond.

No matter the format of your Synchronicity Log, the basic things it should include are:



- Any meaningful elements of your dreams?

- Intention for the day?

- Any hunches for the day?


- List your gratitude list for today

- Any notes related to today's intention?

- Any hunches that you followed up on?

- Any hunches that you haven't followed up on?

Here are the instructions for entering information on your log:

- On the first morning, enter the date, and note if anything interesting occurred in your dreams. Indicate an intention for the day (i.e., "Today I am going to meet helpful people".) If you have any hunches or instincts for the day -- even strange ones – write them down. If you don't have any hunches, don't worry...just be open to it.

- On the first night, take notes on the prompts listed on the sheet. These don't have to be "journal entries", just notes that you can jot down quickly. Especially take note of any "hunches" that you did or did not follow up on! These can serve as reminders for actions to take later, or serve as powerful "evidence" for the results of actions already taken.

Make a commitment to try this for 7 days. I promise you'll start being more aware of the synchronicities that pop up!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

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