Sunday, September 26, 2010

Miracle Soup Day 21

We've already worked with financial and physical tithes. Today is about making a spiritual tithe. Instructions are below.

Also, you may download the Weekly Menu for this week which contains some extra ideas.

If you had a bank statement that was titled, "(Your Name)'s Possessions", what would it look like?

What would be listed on it? What do you POSSESS?

At first, you might think of material things: clothes, computers, cars, food, furniture, knick-knacks.

But go further. What else do you possess?

Your list could include the following:

- talents
- skills
- beliefs
- faith
- laughter
- compassion
- free time
- love
- and much, much more.

Today's exercise invites you to use your imagination to plan a spiritual tithe, in which you take 10% of something in your non-physical possession to share, donate, or give.

This could be giving 10 percent of your free time to a worthy cause. Or a large chunk of compassion (what might approximate to 10%) to a friend in need. Or sharing 10% of your knowledge in a particular area with someone to whom the new knowledge will be a true difference.

If you look at those examples above, you'll see something very interesting. When you give a tithe (what might amount to 10 percent, more or less) of one of these non-physical possessions, your possession doesn't diminish!

In other words, if you tithe a skill, you still have that skill. If you tithe knowledge, you aren't giving away knowledge for good. If you tithe compassion, you still have more than you need. Even time is infinite, if we look at the big picture. There is always more time! (Even when we feel like there isn't.)

This is a fantastic lesson about the financial and physical tithing, too. Giving away 10% of financial income is NO different than giving away 10% of compassion. It is all constantly re-cycling and re-circling.

Anything given with a true heart is never taken away from you!


What spiritual tithe can you make, following the above lesson for guidance? Make a plan for sharing a non-physical possession that can be carried out fairly quickly. Keep the momentum going...and
DO it!

Material copyrighted by Marney Makridakis of Used with permission by license.

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